Guide for Authors

Guidelines for submitting articles to the journals of Imam Hossein University (AS)

important points:

Note: Only articles in the following format will be accepted.


Article submission directions

Page settings, margins and spacing


Bottom= 5.8 cm

Top= 6 cm

Right= 4.5 cm

Left= 4.5 cm

Paper A4

Height= 29.7 cm

Width= 21 cm


Footer= 0

Header= 2.3 cm

In the footer:

* Academic rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country. Avoid using items such as faculty members.


** Academic rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country, email and phone number of the responsible author.


*** Academic rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country.



In the text of the abstract, refrain from stating the introduction and generalities and directly refer to the problem under study and its objectives, methodology and results of the research. The abstract in the article should not be less than 150 words and not more than 200 words.

The abstract should have only one paragraph and refrain from referring to references and using footnotes in it.

Keywords: at least 3 and at most 5 words separated by a comma (;).



To type an article in Farsi, only use Microsoft Word 2010 software (MS-Word 2010) in the Windows environment with Farsi features. The typesetting of the article should be done with a line spacing of 1 cm.

The main text of the article should be prepared as a single column. The title of each section or subsection should be typed with a blank line from the end of the text of the previous section. Avoid numbering titles in the text of the article. The first line of all paragraphs will be indented half a centimeter (0.5 cm).


The order of the article titles (very important)

The order of the article titles should include the following:

  1. Abstract (maximum three quarters of a page)


  1. Introduction and statement of the problem (maximum two pages). In the introduction and statement of the problem, the goals and necessities of the research should be mentioned (what is this research and why is it being done?), and at the end, the general question or the main hypothesis of the research should be raised.


  1. Theoretical foundations, maximum four pages


  1. Research background, maximum three pages


  1. Research methodology


  1. Research questions or hypotheses


  1. Findings (findings should be arranged in order of answers to questions or results of hypotheses)


  1. Conclusions and suggestions (the results of the research should be mentioned in this part, so you should not be satisfied with just the summary. Suggestions should also be presented based on the findings of the research)


  1. Acknowledgment: The author/authors are required to acknowledge the financial or spiritual sponsor or research credit provider (if any) that they have used in writing the article at the end of the article.


  1. Resources



Maximum number of article pages

The maximum number of pages of the article (including all parts of the article, including the English and Farsi abstract and sources, etc.) prepared in accordance with this editing guide, should be between 15 and 20 pages.


Foreign and specialized words in Persian text

The Latin equivalent of the names of foreign authors and specialized words should be written in the form of a subtitle at the bottom of the same page only in the first reference and immediately after the expression of such words.



If you need to insert subtitles, all Persian items should be written in right alignment and Latin subtitles in left alignment. In the footnote after the number, type a period, then a space and then the Farsi or English equivalent.



Each graph must have a number and a title, which is typed in the center below it and numbered in order from 1. Diagrams should be inserted in the text and where they are referred to, and diagrams should be placed in the middle position of the two sides of the paper.

It is mandatory to express the unit of quantities in the graphs. All diagrams must be referenced in the text of the article. Place each diagram with a blank line between the preceding and following text.



Each table must have a number and title, which are typed in the middle of the table and numbered sequentially from 1. The tables should be inserted inside the text and after the place where they are mentioned, in the middle position compared to the two sides of the paper.

The titles of the columns of the tables should be typed in center line and all texts inside the table should be typed in right line or center line depending on the amount of text in the table, if they are in Persian, and in left line if they are Latin. All numbers in the tables must be typed in Farsi and center line. It is mandatory to state the unit of quantities in the table. Each table should be placed with an empty line between the text before and after it. Table 1 is prepared according to the above guide. In this table, the font type and size required for writing Persian articles are summarized.


Table 1. Summary of type and size of fonts required for editing Persian articles

Title style





B Titr



first name and last

B Nazanin



E-mail address of the authors

Times New Roman



The title of the sections

B Zar



The title of the sub-sections

B Zar



Abstract text

B lotus




B lotus



Keywords text

B lotus



English title

Times New Roman



English name and surname

Times New Roman



English abstract text

Times New Roman



English keywords

Times New Roman



main text

B zar



Persian subtitle

B zar



Latin subtitles

Times New Roman



Title of tables and graphs

B zar



Titles of the columns of the tables

B zar



Persian texts inside the tables

B lotus



Latin texts inside the tables

Times New Roman



Persian references

B lotus



Latin references

Times New Roman





Important points about shapes:


1- Figures should start from number 1 in ascending order (figure 1, figure 2, etc.).


2- The caption of the figures includes a brief explanation that must be inserted below the figure.


3- Make sure to refer to the figure inside the text (on the relevant page and preferably after the relevant paragraph).


4- Pay attention that there is no figure or table after the conclusion part.


Important points about tables:


1- The tables should start from number 1 in ascending order (table 1, table 2, etc.).


2- The caption of the tables includes a brief explanation that must be inserted above the table.


3- Be sure to refer to the table inside the text (on the relevant page and preferably after the relevant paragraph).


4- Pay attention that there is no figure or table after the conclusion part.


Mathematical formulas and relationships


Use a two-column table with invisible lines according to the example below to display mathematical formulas and relationships. In the right column of this table, write the relationship number, and in the left column, write the related relationship or formula. (Using Microsoft Equation in writing formulas is required). If the formulas are prepared in Word version 2007 environment, the submitted file must be saved with *.docx extension to prevent the formulas from being converted into photos. All mathematical relationships should be numbered from 1 and the number of each relationship should be placed in parentheses.


How to refer and prepare a list of sources

Manual of style of the journal: APA 7th edition (2020)

How to write a reference is as follows:

References in the text:


  • References within the text of the article: (author name, year: page) such as (Robbins, 2007: 148). It must be Persian.


  • Reference in the text with the name of the organization: (if there is no author's name (Climatology Center, 1388: 154).


  • Reference in the text with the name of the journal: (if there is no author's name) title of the journal (highlighted), journal number, page number.


How to arrange the sources at the end of the article:


  • Book reference: surname, name, (year of publication), title (highlighted), place of publication: publisher.


  • Translation reference: surname and name of the author, (year of publication), title (highlighted), name and surname of the translator, place of publication: publisher.


  • Article reference: last name, name, (year of publication), title, magazine name (highlighted), serial number, time of publication, from page ... to page ...


  • Thesis reference: last name, author's name, (year of publication), title, with guidance: first and last name of supervisor, name of university, degree and field of study.


  • Reference of Internet sources: last name and first name of the author, (year), title (prominent), taken in date, from the Internet site address.


In the list of sources, first Persian sources should be arranged in Persian alphabetical order, then English sources should be arranged in English alphabetical order.


English abstract:

The English abstract of the article must be exactly the same as the translation of the Persian abstract (following all the instructions of the Persian abstract writing in this section is also mandatory) and should be written from the left side of the paper, with lined edges (Justify Low).

The number of abstract words should not be less than 150 words and not more than 200 words.

Keywords: in terms of order and number, they should be the same as the English translation of Persian keywords.


Referral method:

The specifications of the sources used are as follows:

  1. A) Book:

- Surname and first name of the author, (year of publication), name of the book (in large font), and surname of the translator (if the book is translated), place of publication: name of the publisher.

- The order of the sources should be according to the letters of the alphabet, of course, it is necessary to mention the Holy Qur'an, Nahj al-Balaghe and Safiha Sajjadiyeh, if used in the article, at the beginning of the sources by mentioning the name of the book, the name of the translator, the year of publication, the place of publication, and the publication.

  1. B) Publications and magazines:

- Journal article: surname and name of the author, (year of publication), title of the article, name and surname of the translator (if the article is translated), name of the magazine or publication (in large font), number of the magazine or publication, period or year, Cited page or pages.

- Conference paper: last name and author's name, (date of day/month/year), title of the paper, title of the conference (in large font).

- Newspaper article: last name and author's name, (date of publication day/month/year), article title, newspaper title (in large font).

  1. C) Theses and dissertations:

- Surname and first name of the student, (year of publication), thesis title (in large font), with guidance: first and last name of the supervisor, name of the university or scientific center, degree and field of study.

  1. D) Internet sites:

- Title of the person, organization or site, (date of publication day/month/year), title of the article (in large font), accessibility in the internet address: site address.

Writing tips:

1- It is mandatory to observe all semi-spaces in the text of the article (use editor software if needed and desired).

2- According to the grammatical rules of the language, all the sentences and paragraphs should be arranged in the anonymously. (For a better understanding of the topic, pay attention to the example below)



In this article, we will examine the issues in detail = false

In this article, the issues have been examined in detail = correct

3- All numbers in the text and tables (except relations and formulas) should be written in Farsi.

4- All decimal numbers should be written correctly. (eg 0/5 or 1/5)



Journal articles format