Explaining and criticizing the Goals of Bourdieu's Cultural Education (Based on Imam Khomeini's Views)


Assistant professor of the philosophy of Islamic education, Allameh Tabatabaei University


This research is intended to review and criticize the goals of Bourdieu's cultural education based on Imam Khomeini's (RA) views. This research follows analytical-inferential method. Based on research findings, major concepts of Bourdieu's thought including habits, symbolic violence, taste, field, capital, concepts of monotheism, righteousness orientation, and Fitrah, based on the anthropology and ontology of Imam Khomeini, are considered in explaining cultural education. The results indicated that the objectives of cultural education in Bourdieu's views depend on the humanistic and situational approach. In the viewpoint of the Imam Khomeini, however, it is based on righteousness orientation and finality orientation. Bourdieu underlies the purpose of demolishing domination and criticizes the domination relations between the educational system and society, and focuses on social dimension and the reduction of class inequalities. Imam Khomeini, however, criticizes the domination relations of the society and the system of dominant orientation countries, and focuses on the social dimension (monotheistic society) and individual dimension (purification) and the reduction of class inequalities. With regard to enlightenment goal, Bourdieu considers a rejection approach to the society, discovering the instruments of hidden relationships, threatening statesmen, and growing criticizer individuals. However, Imam Khomeini has an affirmative approach to the society and focuses on instruments of growth, strengthening and consolidating the government, and helping governors as the characteristics of authority and of the insightful people. Respecting cultural diversity is the common purpose of the two views which is, of course, acceptable in the view of Imam just in the light of the fulfillment of divine goals.


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