An Investigation of the Factors Influencing the Realization of Students’ Religious Training


1 PhD at educational psychology, Farhangian University

2 Associate professor, department of psychology, Alzahra University

3 Full professor of educational psychology, Kharazmi University


This research is aimed at investigating factors affecting the realization of students’ religious education in the metropolitan city of Karaj. This applied developmental research follows a descriptive-analytical approach in terms of the depth of study nature. The research employs a continuous combined descriptive (quantitative qualitative) method. Data collection is performed through semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the study includes three groups of teachers, managers and training instructors, and second grade high school students. Sampling was conducted through purposive method at the qualitative stage, and at the quantitative phase, a random cluster method was employed. Data analysis at the qualitative stage was done through descriptive content analysis, and in the quantitative stage, the exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were employed. Based on factor analysis, eight factors, out of 33 indicators, were identified in the qualitative section all of which turned out to have specific values of more than one and explained a total variance of 62.59%. The results also indicated that the component of the textbook features with a correlation coefficient of 0.87, teachers' characteristics of 0.82, educational affairs in schools of 0.75, appropriate use of media and cyberspace of 82, causative factors of 0.65, and the basic teachings of 0.75, are the most effective and influential factors in the realization of students’ religious education in the metropolitan city of Karaj from the viewpoint of teachers, headmasters, training instructors and students.


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