An Analysis of the Educational Approaches of Modern and Postmodern Feminism and Their Criticism on the Basis of Islamic Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate of the philosophy of education. Payam Noor University

2 Assistant professor at Kashan University

3 Corresponding author, PhD candidate of the philosophy of education


This study is intended to analyze educational approaches of modern and postmodern feminism and their criticism based on Islamic education through comparative and critical analysis methods. Research findings indicate that the equality of women and men, the pursuit of universal and comprehensive views, the emphasis on cultural criticism and resistance against gender dualism are focused in educational modern feminism. Postmodern feminism concentrates on the principle of difference among people, especially those of men and women, doubt in the general narratives, strengthening of discourse and deconstructionism. While removing a number of obstacles and problems from women and granting them some rights, modern and postmodern educational feminism create complications and challenges for humanity and especially for women, which can be criticized on the basis of Islamic teachings. These criticisms relate to issues such as modern feminism’s ignorance of the differences between men and women in line with proportionality orientation, relativism and instability of moral values, different goals for acquiring knowledge in the educational teachings of feminism (both modern and postmodern) and Islam, and extreme assertion of postmodern feminism on discourse rather than practice as well as the objectivity and fading of family as the main educational center in modern feminism.


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