An Analysis of the Concepts, Foundations, Aims, and Principles of Educational Justice from the Viewpoint of Martyr Motahhari

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. candidate of philosophy of education, University of Tehran

2 Philosophy of education, University of Tehran

3 Associate professor of philosophy of education, University of Tehran

4 Assistant professor of philosophy of education, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan


This research is aimed at analyzing the concepts, bases, goals and principles of educational justice from the viewpoint of Martyr Motahhari. The research employs concept analysis (conceptualization) as well as inferential method. The findings indicate that in the categorization of the concept of educational justice, from the viewpoint of Martyr Motahhari, equal educational opportunities, observing the rights and intentions of the trainees with regard to their attempts and talents, paying attention to the special needs of the trainees, interdependence of the talents and responsibilities of the trainees can be considered. The most important bases of educational justice are: 1. The enjoyment of all people from education is a manifestation of the general grace of God. 2. The enjoyment of all people from education is an indication of the balance of the creation, which is dominating over the world. 3. Man’s enjoyment of education is the presentation of the realization of individual justice. 4. Man’s enjoyment of education contributes to the realization of social justice. 5. Education paves the way for the nourishment of man’s innate features. 6. Education paves the way for the nourishment of man’s dignity.  7. Education is the main device for enhancing reasoning and free will as the sources of human esteem. 8. Education is a means of developing moral values. 9. Teaching prepares the path for human delight. The principles of popular education, individualism, developing dignity, virtue and salvation all contain the most important principles derived from the views of Martyr Motahhari.


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  • Receive Date: 24 September 2017
  • Revise Date: 05 July 2017
  • Accept Date: 30 December 2018
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2019