Designing a sub-recruitment model in the educational process of faith-based organizations (Case Study: Cultural Institute of Paradise Promised Promoters of Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: Ph.D. in Human Resource Management at Allameh Tabataba'i University (Researcher at Imam Sadiq University, Ali)

2 Graduated from Ph.D. in Management of Higher Education in Tehran University (researcher at Imam Sadegh University, Ali)


One of the gaps in the educational field of the country is the distinctness of educational processes in faithful organizations, under the process of attracting the first and most sensitive stage of education in faith-based organizations. For this reason, the present research is based on this fundamental question: what are the dimensions and components of absorption in faith-based organizations? The present study is qualitative and uses the data-base theorization strategy. By systematically examining the data, the effective components of the attraction process were explained to the faithful organizations based on the paradigmatic model. The results of the research show that the process of absorption in faith-based organizations has three pillars of humanity (instructors and educational staff), structural (programs, rules, and communications) and spirituality. It can be said that if faithful organizations carry out the coordinated and coordinated factors, they will achieve success at the stage of attraction.


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