Analyzing the status of autonomy in the fundamental document on the development of education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Philosophy of Teacher Training at Isfahan University

2 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan


Autonomy is an educational goal based on the ability to choose and judge independently. In recent decades, this goal has become more and more sought after by educators. Since the realization of this goal in the handicraftsmen will result in their clever and effective exposure to the hidden and obvious domination, the attention to this goal in the educational education system seems inevitable. On the basis of the fundamental document of the evolution of educational education in the country, the present study was developed in a method of content-quality analysis and in order to explain the position of individual self-regulation in this strategic document. Studies have shown that there is no direct reference to self-regulation as a goal in the fundamental document. Nevertheless, propositions related to autonomy, including selective, free-thinking, discretion, will, courage, awareness of reason, insight, etc., are found in the document. Nevertheless, critical thinking and analysis as the main platform for the realization of autonomy of thought and autonomy have been less widely considered.


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