The comparison of effective factors on education from Ebnekhaldun and saadi's point of view and using of their teachings in educational system of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of Shahed University

2 Author responsible associate professor of Shahed University


The purpose of research is comparison of effective factors on education from the viewpoint of Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di The research tried to answer these questions: What are the effective factors on education from Ibn Khaldun and Saadi's point of view? What are the similarities and differences between Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di's views on effective factors on education? And Comparision of Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di's views, what teachings have in this field for Iran's educational system? In order to achieve the result, from among methods of research were used from comparative, analytical and derivational research methods.The findings show that view point of Ibne khaldun and Sa'di can divide under biological, sociological and psychological titles. Having a single view to man, believing in the acceptance of the environment, the acceptance of civil and social nature of man, the acceptance of the influence of government and rulers, the importance of teachers' influence, the single view on the factor of imitation, the impact of social and political conditions and having religious-social view were similarities between Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di's views. Sa'di's emphasis on inheritance, the wider scope of the environment's effectiveness in Ibn Khaldun's view, the differences in punishment and the applicability of Ibn Khaldun's view in effective factors on education were differences between Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di's views. Accordingly, it has been attempted to draw upon and present from the teachings of Ibn Khaldun and Sa'di for reproduction and modification in educational system of Iran.


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