A Comparison between the Valuation Principles of Pragmatic Educational Philosophy and those of the Document of Fundamental Transformation of IRI Educational System

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in curriculum planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Research and Educational Planning Organization


This research aims at comparing the valuation bases of pragmatism with those of the documents of the fundamental transformation of education of the Islamic Republic of Iran by descriptive-analytical research method. The statistical population of this research includes the content of three higher level documents of fundamental transformation of higher education, including the document of the fundamental transformation of education, the theoretical foundations of the fundamental transformation in the formal and public education system. 10 formal basic documents relating to pragmatism were selected purposively. The results of the study indicated that, in terms of considering the situation, the environmental conditions and requirements and applications of values, there are apparent commonalities between the school of pragmatism and the cognitive foundations of fundamental transformation documents. However, there are essential differences between the two. In terms of the nature of values ​​in view of pragmatism, any useful and practical things in the real-world life of human that can solve a problem, is valuable. In the view of evolutionary documents, the validity of values ​​depends on closeness to God. In the views of pragmatism, values ​​are relative and non-stable, but in the view of evolutionary documents, values ​​are divided into ultimate and instrumental according to the final objective of life. The criteria for estimation of values is utility and benefit in individual and social life in pragmatisms; in the view of transformational documents, it is based on the three criteria of religion, rationality and Fitrah. Pragmatism considers all human dimensions to be material in the discussion of metaphysics, but in evolutionary documents, the attainment of a relatively pure life is the axis of living.


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