The Compatibility of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed Forces with the Verses of the Holy Qur’an and the Islamic Traditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mohammad Abdolrahimi. Assistant Professor, Islamic ethics Department, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author Heydar Sohrabi. Assistant Professor, Islamic teachings department, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran.


Punishment in the Islamic system involves special goals, principles and methods which are explained in Islamic sources. This study is intended to review chapter thirteenth of the disciplinary regulations of the Armed Forces and to find out its agreement with the verses of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions, and to find possible gaps. This is for providing a basis for clarifying the necessity of having Islamic punishment, and providing a discourse about it, and secondly, to take a step forward to revise and complete the disciplinary regulations. This is a qualitative research following grounded theory method. In order to reach at the desired propositions, we used the qualitative content analysis method. We used Qur’anic software and Shiite and Sunni commentary books to compile the research literature. Citavi and MAXQDA software were employed to find out the propositions. In the process of establishing grounded theory, three types of open, axial and selective coding were performed, and the final research model was drawn. The results of this study, comparing the disciplinary regulations with Islamic teachings, showed that they have many features in common; yet, some cases have been neglected in the regulation, including the need for appropriate, timely and fitting punishments, the need for avoiding excessive punishment, the necessity of kind and gentle punishment, avoiding violent punishment, the necessity of gradual punishment starting from weak and mild levels and avoiding quick repetition of punishment. It is suggested that for the prevention of possible harms, the neglected cases in the field of etiquette and principles of punishment be added to the disciplinary regulations and notify all commanders and managers in different categories.


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[1]. در این مقاله برای ترجمة آیات قرآن کریم، از ترجمة «حسین انصاریان» بهره گرفته‌ایم و در مواردی که از سایر ترجمه‌ها استفاده نموده‌ایم، به مأخذ ترجمه اشاره شده است.