Education during military service Based on The Glorious Comander in Chief’s Views

Document Type : Original Article


PH.D in Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The issue of education during military service has a high status. The aim of this study was to enumerate the basic theory of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution on the subject of the status of education during the sacred military service. The statistical population of the study is all of His Majesty's orders on the subject of military service. The research method is qualitative and has used two strategies of data foundation theorizing method and deductive qualitative content analysis and quantitative content analysis. Analysis of His Holiness Leh's orders shows that the main orders in the subject of military service have educational themes and the addressees of the orders are 4 categories (commanders, officials and policy makers in the subject of military service, soldiers and the general public). The section on quantitative content analysis of orders shows that the main recommendations in this regard are with an educational approach. In the section on deductive qualitative content analysis, it was found that His Holiness referred to the functions of military service, priorities, requirements, prohibitions, injuries, barriers to military service. In the data analysis section of the foundation, it was found that after explaining what military service is, the underlying factors, intervening conditions, the strategies and consequences of military service are mentioned and the mentioned strategies can be classified into educational, managerial, cultural and social sectors. Educational strategies are also divided into sections (spiritual transformation, education, leisure, training, and knowledge enhancement). Consequences can also be divided into positive and negative consequences. Research analyzes were performed in the field of qualitative content analysis and data theory of the foundation by nvivo software and quantitative content analysis of orders by Excell Software.

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Volume 29, Issue 53
Winter Quarterly
February 2022
Pages 65-100
  • Receive Date: 02 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 10 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 02 November 2020
  • Publish Date: 21 January 2022