Analysis of the Components of Socialization Based on the Islamic-Iranian Model in the Works of Shahid Motahari

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Shahid Paknjad Campus, Yazd, Iran.


The aim of this study was to identify, extract and categorize the dimensions and components of socialization in the views of Shahid Motahari and to develop an Islamic-Iranian model in social education. In this study, the concept of "socialization" is considered as social education based on the definition of the Fundamental Transformation Document of Education (FTDE). The present research is applied in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of approach, and interpretive in terms of the type of research method using conventional content analysis technique. A total of 108 written works of Shahid Motahari that have been published in the form of books were studied, analyzed, and interpreted in this research. Based on the interpretive findings of this study, 73 subcategories, 13 categories, and 4 main components including the sense of social belonging, acceptance of role and responsibility, dialogue and social communication, and critical thinking were extracted. These components are the criteria of social education from the perspective of Shahid Motahari and are considered as indicators for transmitting basic social teachings to citizens. Considering the centrality of the Fundamental Transformation Document of Education (FTDE) in achieving the Islamic-Iranian model of social education, it is suggested that in the step of the operational implementation of the document, the components extracted from the works of Shahid Motahari be used.


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Volume 30, Issue 55
Summer Quarterly
September 2022
Pages 35-69
  • Receive Date: 30 June 2021
  • Revise Date: 09 September 2021
  • Accept Date: 18 September 2022
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2022