The effectiveness of education-oriented spiritual intelligence on the transformational leadership style of university managers and professors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Social Culture and Soft Power, Imam Hossein University (AS), Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.Tehran Iran


In this research, the effectiveness of dimensions of spiritual intelligence and transformational leadership style have been investigated and analyzed. According to its purpose, this research is applied and it is in the category of descriptive research, correlation research type. Its statistical population is made up of Basiji University managers and professors with a number of 106 people. To determine the level of spiritual intelligence, Badie et al.'s spiritual intelligence questionnaire (2008) was used, and to determine the transformational leadership style score, Bess and Avlio's multi-factor leadership questionnaire (1990) was used. The results of the research showed that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between spiritual intelligence and transformational leadership style, and among the dimensions of spiritual intelligence, dimensions of general and religious thinking, moral integrity, self-awareness, and love are above the average level, in other words, in The level is favorable. But then the ability to deal with problems at an average level is lower. Also, the level of transformational leadership and its dimensions are higher than the average level. In other words, the level of transformational leadership and its dimensions managers and professors is at a desirable level.


Main Subjects

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