Investigating the Conceptual Network of Educational Allegories of the Holy Quran by Understanding the Representations of the Concept of Action Based on the Interpretation of the Scale

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Science and Research Department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Quranic allegories are one of the characteristics of Quranic expression that so far, researchers have extracted various dimensions of this explanatory method by addressing the subtle points of literary and rhetorical methods, methods of conveying concepts, aesthetic and phenomenological aspects and their educational manifestations. However, in a holistic view, a significant "connection" can be achieved between these allegories, so that this connection will develop the meanings of each allegory in their communication network. The present study seeks to achieve a conceptual network in such allegories by basing the representation of Quranic allegories under the concept of "action". To examine the changes in the representation of these allegories, the method of semiotic analysis, which is mostly used as an approach to textual analysis, has been used. A feature of this method is attention to structural analysis. This type of analysis involves identifying the components of a semiotic system, such as a text, and determining the structural relationships between them. In the present study, it was found that the studied allegories in changing their representation show signs of growth and expansion of the effects of action, in different dimensions and at different levels, in both positive and negative parts, with schemas of consolidation, coherence, structure, enclosure and basis. Different images are represented.

Keywords: Action, Allegory, Representation, Structure,


Smiley face

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Volume 31, Issue 59 - Serial Number 59
September 2023
Pages 59-90
  • Receive Date: 16 February 2022
  • Revise Date: 27 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 20 September 2023
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2023