An Investigation of the Position of Activism in the Training System of the Salehin-e-Basij

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author, PhD candidate of Hekmat Motaaliah, Kharazmi University

2 Master of the philosophy of ethics, University of Qom.

3 Master of Law, Kharazmi University


Basij-e-Salehin (Basij of the Righteous People) has been one of the transformational plans of the Basij Mostazafin Organization in the last decade. Some experts have raised up critical points about this training plan, especially on lack of planning for Basij’s activity and the training process of internal- oriented training of the members of Basij without considering the field of action. The answer to these problems can be considered at three levels including 1) the level of the main theory, which deals with the ideas and views of the administrators, 2) the performance level, which regards the enactment of the performers, and 3) the level of explanation, which refers to the organizational and educational documents of the plan. Researches have investigated and proved the existence of activity in theoretical and administrative dimensions. This research is aimed at consideration of the field of activities in the released documents and educational texts of the Basij Organization through documentary method and data analysis, and to identify the activities in this plan. Accordingly, 44 documents were selected by documentary method and snowball sampling technique, by analyzing of which through qualitative analysis, the researchers reached at 141 concepts and 20 categories. The analysis of these categories resulted in two conceptual models. The findings indicated that special attention is paid to this issues in the documents of the Salehin, so the problems raised are not defensible. The researchers finally suggest that the discourse of a correct understanding of be established to prevent the extension of the problems.


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