The Role and the Effect of Theoretical, Philosophical, Religious and Other Desirable Principles In the Standardization of Training System and Organi

Document Type : Original Article




This research is intended to identify the effective components and the role and the effect of standardization of the training system and organizational instruction. This qualitative exploratory applied research follows a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of this research, in the qualitative section which aims at deriving bases and determinants, contains the documentation of the "Comprehensive Design of Organizational Instruction and Training System" including projects of religious and philosophical foundations (anthropology, ontology, epistemology, valuation), psychological bases (physical, cognitive, emotional, and social), biological and technological foundations. The theoretical bases were derived from books, essays and other available sources. 10 organizational training experts were purposefully selected as the research sample for confirming the validity of the research findings. After presenting the results at expert meetings, they were confirmed by the consensus method and were finalized. In the first step, the basic effective determinants in standardization of the organizational training and education system were extracted and were confirmed by a specialized working group (research sample). The effect of the foundations and determinants on the standardization of the educational system was derived from the theoretical foundations and was presented after the application and confirmation of the working group. Finally, the type of the effect of the bases and determining factors on the standardization of the organizational education system was formulated and presented in the form of short statements. Just as the findings of this study were the bases for designing the system of standardization of organizational instruction and training system, both of the method presented in this research and the findings can be applied to the designing patterns and processes of educational system and organizational training, especially the subsystem of standardization of instruction system, and organizational training or the educational system of the country (education and higher education systems).


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Volume 28, Issue 47
Summer Quarterly
August 2020
Pages 107-140
  • Receive Date: 30 June 2019
  • Revise Date: 27 September 2019
  • Accept Date: 09 October 2019
  • Publish Date: 22 July 2020