An Explanation of the Components of Moral Development of High School First Grade Students in the Framework of the Philosophy of Islamic Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: PhD candidate at Islamic Azad University of Marand, Iran.

2 Assistant professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Marand, Iran

3 Assistant professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tabriz, Iran.


Teaching ethical concepts plays an important role in shaping the identity and communicative skills of students. Nevertheless, Researches show that moral values ​​have not been internalized by the students as much as they are supposed to, and they are facing identity, spiritual, and moral crises. Hence, it seems necessary to explain the components of moral development in which can meet the educational needs of moral concepts. Therefore, this study is intended to explain the components of moral development of first grade high school students in the framework of the philosophy of Islamic education and training. This is a descriptive research following library and documentary methods. The population includes the written documents, global experiences, theoretical foundations and existing literature related to moral development and Islamic education. Purposive sampling method was employed, which continued until the theoretical saturation of data. Having reviewed the theoretical foundations of moral growth and Islamic education, the researchers arrived at 388 components of moral growth, by analyzing and integrating of which 7 main components and 14 sub-components of moral growth were extracted. They included the following: 1. the component of distinguishing good things from evil things and intention towards values ​​included the components of choice and decision-making, do's and don'ts, etc. 2. The component of reasoning and correct judgment included achieving insight, creating correct understanding and so on. 3. The component of flourishing of the capabilities contained the excellence of existence. 4. The component of general and all-encompassing principles contained the contractual principles of ethics. 5. The component of self-development and self-reliance included intuition, etc., 6. The component of practical wisdom included human behavior. 7. The component of lawfulness included paying attention to the rules and regulations. The results also indicated that the most important need from among the sub-components contained increasing attention to the component of "contractual ethical principles".


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