An Appraisal of the Position of Religious and Revolutionary Identities in the Document of Fundamental Transformation of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Member at the Department of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University.


This research is aimed at analyzing the position of the components of religious and revolutionary identities in the document of Fundamental Transformation of Education. This is a descriptive research following content analysis method. The research community includes the content of the document of fundamental transformation of education, due to the nature of which and because of the limitations of the research community, the entire research community was selected to be studied. A researcher-made content analysis list was used as the measurement tool. Data processing was based on Shannon entropy method. The results indicated that the components of religious identity was mentioned 292 times, and the components of revolutionary identity have been considered 140 times in the Transformation Document of Education. In the field of religious identity, the components of ‘political” and “doctrinal-monotheistic” gained the highest importance with an importance coefficient of 201 and 162, respectively. No attention was paid to the components of “historical” and “doctrinal-justice” components. In the field of revolutionary identity, the components of “commitment to maintaining the system of the Islamic Republic” as well as “fighting against cultural aggression and soft warfare”, and “fighting against backwardness and eclecticism” with importance coefficients of 155, 125 and 125, respectively, are considered most. Components of “Basij” with an importance coefficient of 0.05, and “awareness of the history of the Islamic Revolution” (no case), received the least attention. The results indicated that in the Document of Fundamental Transformation of education, no well-adjusted consideration has been devoted to the components of religious and revolutionary identities.


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Volume 28, Issue 47
Summer Quarterly
August 2020
Pages 159-182
  • Receive Date: 17 September 2018
  • Revise Date: 13 August 2019
  • Accept Date: 04 September 2019
  • Publish Date: 22 July 2020