The Characteristics of a University Professor in Iran's Higher Education Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Leader; A Data Base Study

Document Type : Case Study


Assistant Professor, Department of Higher Education Management, Department of Basic Sciences, Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the characteristics of university professors in Iran's higher education based on the thoughts of the Supreme Leader and using the data-based research method. The statistical community is dedicated to all the statements of the Supreme Leader from 1989 to 2019. The sample size is 630 different sessions of statements during the study period in which the words professor, professors or professors were used or university professors were recommended. The method of data collection is library and the research tool is polling. A number of 1026 characteristics (data) for university professors were extracted from 630 meetings and the results of three-stage open, central and selective coding led to the extraction of 89 concepts, 28 components and 5 dimensions, respectively.The findings of the research show that a university professor at the level of the Islamic Revolution of Iran must have five characteristics: "commitment to himself", "commitment to science", "commitment to students", "commitment to the university" and "commitment to the country". In the end, "more attention of professors to discipleship", "increasing concern for the promotion of scientific knowledge and responsibility", "efforts of professors to understand students and act beyond their duties towards them" and "holding university workshops and conferences to explain ideas" Leadership" is suggested.


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Volume 30, Issue 56
Autumn Quarterly
December 2022
Pages 165-215
  • Receive Date: 18 February 2021
  • Revise Date: 23 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 24 April 2021
  • Publish Date: 22 November 2022