Academic Optimism
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Based on Quranic Teachings and Narrations on Students' Vitality and Academic Optimism [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 269-290]
Designing and Validating the Optimal Model of Religious Responsibility of the Students in Elementary School Curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 365-381]
Identifying the Components of the Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle in Order to Promote the Activities of the Association of Parents and Teachers of Education Based on the Delphi technique [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 179-213]
An analysis of educational approaches of affection from Imam Khomeini's point of view [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 293-317]
The Necessity of Realization of the Cultural Revolution in the Field of Education by Looking at the Theory of Cultural Ideology of Althusser [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 71-91]
Anthropological Foundations
Anthropological Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence and Educational Principles and Methods Related to It from the Perspective of Molana [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 115-163]
Anthropological Foundations
Examining and explaining the basics, goals and principles of the spiritual approach to religious education from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 11-60]
Codifying the Model of Ashura Islamic Education: Grounded theory approach [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 291-341]
Assumptions and Guidelines
Developing Guidelines Based on Indigenous and Islamic Assumptions to Improve the Status of Educational Science Curriculum in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 233-267]
Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Explaining the Ontological Foundations of the Ethics of Happiness And Deducing Its Implications inthe Principles of Moral Education From the Point of View of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Background Theory
Codifying the Model of Ashura Islamic Education: Grounded theory approach [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 291-341]
Basics of Rational Education
The Analysis of the Basics of the Goals, Principles and Methods of Rational Education Based on Shahid Motahari’s Perspective ) For the Formal Education System(
(For formal education system) [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 317-348]
A Philosophical Investigation of the Rationalist Point of View Based on Rational and Logical Principles in Thought, Behavior and Speech [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 71-103]
Citizenship Education
Presenting a Model for Explaining the Indicators of Islamic Citizenship Education Using the Method of Synthesis [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 217-258]
Citizenship Education
Investigation and Analysis of the Components of Ideal Citizen Training from the Perspective of Sahifah Sajjadieh [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 349-385]
Conceptual Model
Designing a Conceptual Model of Education Based on Imam Reza's (AS) Perspective [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 141-178]
Identifying the Competencies of Counselors in the Public Education System with an Islamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 11-57]
Examining the position and concept of dialogue and questioning in the teachings of Hazrat Ali(peace be upon him) [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 117-150]
Cultural Revolution
The Necessity of Realization of the Cultural Revolution in the Field of Education by Looking at the Theory of Cultural Ideology of Althusser [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 71-91]
Current and Favorable Situation of Sexual Education
Determining the Gap between the Current and Desired Status of Sexual Education of Junior High School Students Corresponding to the Document of Fundamental Change in Education [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Designing and Validating the Optimal Model of Religious Responsibility of the Students in Elementary School Curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 365-381]
Divorce Decrease Strategies
The Mediating Role of Locus of Control in the Relationship between Goal Orientations with Self-Esteem In Basij Students [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 215-238]
Document of Fundamental Change
Determining the Gap between the Current and Desired Status of Sexual Education of Junior High School Students Corresponding to the Document of Fundamental Change in Education [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Document of Fundamental Transformations
Social Pathology of Education in Iran’s Southeast Frontier Areas [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 161-192]
Educational Activities
Pathology of Aducational Activities of Qom Education Organization in Junior Secondary School based on Klein’s nine Elements and Providing Solutions [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 343-363]
Educational Approach
The Nature of Islamic Spirituality Following an Educational Approach [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 239-278]
Educational Leadership
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
Educational Leadership
Identifying the components of educational leadership based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 229-257]
Educational principles
Examining the hadiths of "three seven years" from the point of view of educational jurisprudence [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 89-115]
Educational Principles And Methods
Anthropological Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence and Educational Principles and Methods Related to It from the Perspective of Molana [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 115-163]
Educational Sciences
Developing Guidelines Based on Indigenous and Islamic Assumptions to Improve the Status of Educational Science Curriculum in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 233-267]
Education and Training
Identifying the Competencies of Counselors in the Public Education System with an Islamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 11-57]
Education Stages
Examining the hadiths of "three seven years" from the point of view of educational jurisprudence [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 89-115]
Efficient Teacher Training
Designing and Compiling a Model of Efficient Teachers’ Training at the Level of the Islamic Republic with an Emphasis on High Level Documents [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 279-301]
Jurisprudential Requirements in Habit-Based Education: An Intellectual Analysis on Imam Ali's View [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Epistemological Foundations
Epistemological Foundations of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Theory of Traditionalism and Its Implications for Rational Education [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 105-134]
Ethical Codes
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
Ethical leadership
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
Application of imagination in education based on Sadrai principles [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 61-88]
Fourfold Communication
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
Fourfold Fields
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
Jurisprudential Requirements in Habit-Based Education: An Intellectual Analysis on Imam Ali's View [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Hamedan Province
Determining the Gap between the Current and Desired Status of Sexual Education of Junior High School Students Corresponding to the Document of Fundamental Change in Education [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Higher Education of Iran
The Characteristics of a University Professor in Iran's Higher Education Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Leader; A Data Base Study [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 165-215]
High School
Pathology of Aducational Activities of Qom Education Organization in Junior Secondary School based on Klein’s nine Elements and Providing Solutions [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 343-363]
Ideal Citizen
Investigation and Analysis of the Components of Ideal Citizen Training from the Perspective of Sahifah Sajjadieh [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 349-385]
Imam Ali
Examining the position and concept of dialogue and questioning in the teachings of Hazrat Ali(peace be upon him) [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 117-150]
Imam Khomeini
An analysis of educational approaches of affection from Imam Khomeini's point of view [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 293-317]
Imam Musa Sadr
Explaining the Goals of Students' Religious Training from the Perspective of Imam Musa Sadr [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 303-326]
Imam Reza's Perspective
Designing a Conceptual Model of Education Based on Imam Reza's (AS) Perspective [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 141-178]
Imam Sajjad
Investigation and Analysis of the Components of Ideal Citizen Training from the Perspective of Sahifah Sajjadieh [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 349-385]
Presenting a Model for Explaining the Indicators of Islamic Citizenship Education Using the Method of Synthesis [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 217-258]
Intellectual Analysis
Jurisprudential Requirements in Habit-Based Education: An Intellectual Analysis on Imam Ali's View [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Anthropological Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence and Educational Principles and Methods Related to It from the Perspective of Molana [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 115-163]
Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle
Identifying the Components of the Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle in Order to Promote the Activities of the Association of Parents and Teachers of Education Based on the Delphi technique [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 179-213]
The Nature of Islamic Spirituality Following an Educational Approach [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 239-278]
Presenting a Model for Explaining the Indicators of Islamic Citizenship Education Using the Method of Synthesis [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 217-258]
Islamic approach
Identifying the Competencies of Counselors in the Public Education System with an Islamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 11-57]
Islamic education
The Study of the Position of Knowledge Perfection in Islamic Philosophy and Its Educational Implications [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 135-159]
Islamic education
Codifying the Model of Ashura Islamic Education: Grounded theory approach [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 291-341]
Islamic education
The Analysis of the Basics of the Goals, Principles and Methods of Rational Education Based on Shahid Motahari’s Perspective ) For the Formal Education System(
(For formal education system) [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 317-348]
Islamic-Iranian model
Analysis of the Components of Socialization Based on the Islamic-Iranian Model in the Works of Shahid Motahari [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Islamic Republic Index
Designing and Compiling a Model of Efficient Teachers’ Training at the Level of the Islamic Republic with an Emphasis on High Level Documents [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 279-301]
Islamic teachings
Identifying the components of educational leadership based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 229-257]
Developing Guidelines Based on Indigenous and Islamic Assumptions to Improve the Status of Educational Science Curriculum in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 233-267]
Javadi Amoli's Point of View
Designing a moral education curriculum model based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's point of view [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 151-199]
Junior High School
Determining the Gap between the Current and Desired Status of Sexual Education of Junior High School Students Corresponding to the Document of Fundamental Change in Education [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Jurisprudential Requirements
Jurisprudential Requirements in Habit-Based Education: An Intellectual Analysis on Imam Ali's View [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Leadership components
Identifying the components of educational leadership based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 229-257]
Developing Guidelines Based on Indigenous and Islamic Assumptions to Improve the Status of Educational Science Curriculum in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 233-267]
Main Component
Identifying the Competencies of Counselors in the Public Education System with an Islamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 11-57]
Methods of Rational Education
The Analysis of the Basics of the Goals, Principles and Methods of Rational Education Based on Shahid Motahari’s Perspective ) For the Formal Education System(
(For formal education system) [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 317-348]
Anthropological Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence and Educational Principles and Methods Related to It from the Perspective of Molana [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 115-163]
Monotheistic Orientation
Theological Foundations of Religious Identity Curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 193-231]
Mulla Sadra
Application of imagination in education based on Sadrai principles [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 61-88]
Nahj Ol-Balagha
Ethical Codes of Educational Leadership Based on the Teachings of Nahj Ol-Balagha [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 259-280]
The Nature of Islamic Spirituality Following an Educational Approach [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 239-278]
Nine Elements Of Klein
Pathology of Aducational Activities of Qom Education Organization in Junior Secondary School based on Klein’s nine Elements and Providing Solutions [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 343-363]
Ontological Foundations
Theological Foundations of Religious Identity Curriculum [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 193-231]
Parents and Teachers Community
Identifying the Components of the Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle in Order to Promote the Activities of the Association of Parents and Teachers of Education Based on the Delphi technique [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 179-213]
Pattern Design
Designing a moral education curriculum model based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's point of view [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 151-199]
Examining the hadiths of "three seven years" from the point of view of educational jurisprudence [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 89-115]
The Study of the Position of Knowledge Perfection in Islamic Philosophy and Its Educational Implications [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 135-159]
The Characteristics of a University Professor in Iran's Higher Education Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Leader; A Data Base Study [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 165-215]
Province Plan
The Qualitative Content Analysis of the Textbooks of the Province Plan From the Perspective of Values Education [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 281-315]
Psycho-Sexual Repulsion
The Mediating Role of Locus of Control in the Relationship between Goal Orientations with Self-Esteem In Basij Students [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 215-238]
Explaining the Goals of Students' Religious Training from the Perspective of Imam Musa Sadr [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 303-326]
Qom Old Theological Seminary
Explaining the Process of Employing Teachers in Qom's Old Seminary System:, A Qualitative Study [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 93-119]
Examining the position and concept of dialogue and questioning in the teachings of Hazrat Ali(peace be upon him) [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 117-150]
Quranic Teachings And Traditions
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Based on Quranic Teachings and Narrations on Students' Vitality and Academic Optimism [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 269-290]
Rational Education
Epistemological Foundations of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Theory of Traditionalism and Its Implications for Rational Education [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 105-134]
Rational Education
The Analysis of the Basics of the Goals, Principles and Methods of Rational Education Based on Shahid Motahari’s Perspective ) For the Formal Education System(
(For formal education system) [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 317-348]
Sahifah Sajjadiyeh
Investigation and Analysis of the Components of Ideal Citizen Training from the Perspective of Sahifah Sajjadieh [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 349-385]
Secondary Component
Identifying the Competencies of Counselors in the Public Education System with an Islamic Approach [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 11-57]
Senior Secondary Course
Investigating the Revolutionary Identity in Senior Secondary School Textbooks [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Seyed Hossein Nasr
Epistemological Foundations of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Theory of Traditionalism and Its Implications for Rational Education [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 105-134]
Shahid Motahari
Analysis of the Components of Socialization Based on the Islamic-Iranian Model in the Works of Shahid Motahari [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Shahid Motahari
The Analysis of the Basics of the Goals, Principles and Methods of Rational Education Based on Shahid Motahari’s Perspective ) For the Formal Education System(
(For formal education system) [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 317-348]
Shannon's Entropy Model
Analysis of the Content Of Social Studies Books of the Second Elementary School Based on the Components of Moral Education with a Social Approach: Shannon's Entropy Model [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 87-114]
Social education
Analysis of the Components of Socialization Based on the Islamic-Iranian Model in the Works of Shahid Motahari [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-69]
Social Pathology
Social Pathology of Education in Iran’s Southeast Frontier Areas [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 161-192]
Pathology of Aducational Activities of Qom Education Organization in Junior Secondary School based on Klein’s nine Elements and Providing Solutions [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 343-363]
Southeast Regions of Iran
Social Pathology of Education in Iran’s Southeast Frontier Areas [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 161-192]
A Philosophical Investigation of the Rationalist Point of View Based on Rational and Logical Principles in Thought, Behavior and Speech [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 71-103]
Spiritual education
Examining and explaining the basics, goals and principles of the spiritual approach to religious education from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 11-60]
The Nature of Islamic Spirituality Following an Educational Approach [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 239-278]
Anthropological Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence and Educational Principles and Methods Related to It from the Perspective of Molana [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 115-163]
Examining and explaining the basics, goals and principles of the spiritual approach to religious education from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 11-60]
Spiritual Religious Education
Examining and explaining the basics, goals and principles of the spiritual approach to religious education from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 11-60]
Spiritual Skills
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Based on Quranic Teachings and Narrations on Students' Vitality and Academic Optimism [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 269-290]
Synthesis research
Presenting a Model for Explaining the Indicators of Islamic Citizenship Education Using the Method of Synthesis [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 217-258]
Teacher Training Model
Designing and Compiling a Model of Efficient Teachers’ Training at the Level of the Islamic Republic with an Emphasis on High Level Documents [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 279-301]
Examining the position and concept of dialogue and questioning in the teachings of Hazrat Ali(peace be upon him) [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 117-150]
Teaching Values
Teachers' perception of values education curriculum in the first year of elementary school [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 259-292]
Investigating the Revolutionary Identity in Senior Secondary School Textbooks [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 11-34]
The Qualitative Content Analysis of the Textbooks of the Province Plan From the Perspective of Values Education [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 281-315]
The Ethics of Happiness
Explaining the Ontological Foundations of the Ethics of Happiness And Deducing Its Implications inthe Principles of Moral Education From the Point of View of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Theory of Traditionalism
Epistemological Foundations of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Theory of Traditionalism and Its Implications for Rational Education [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 105-134]
The Second Period of Childhood
Examining and explaining the basics, goals and principles of the spiritual approach to religious education from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai [Volume 30, Issue 57, 2022, Pages 11-60]
A Philosophical Investigation of the Rationalist Point of View Based on Rational and Logical Principles in Thought, Behavior and Speech [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 71-103]
Thoughts of Supreme Leader
The Characteristics of a University Professor in Iran's Higher Education Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Leader; A Data Base Study [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 165-215]
The Characteristics of a University Professor in Iran's Higher Education Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Leader; A Data Base Study [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 165-215]
Value Education
The Qualitative Content Analysis of the Textbooks of the Province Plan From the Perspective of Values Education [Volume 30, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 281-315]
Virtual Network
The Role of Virtual Networks in the Growth of Student Misbehavior and Moral Etiquette [Volume 30, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 121-139]
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Based on Quranic Teachings and Narrations on Students' Vitality and Academic Optimism [Volume 30, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 269-290]
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